Patient material biobank and database
As a oncological colon cancer center and oncological pancreas cancer center as certified by the German Cancer Society, with approximately 2 tumor operations per day, we efficiently collect, preserve, characterize and process patient specimens. The availability of high quality, well characterized biomaterial which can be subjected to various molecular and/or cellular procedures, alongside with the access to associated patient-individual metadata such as clinical records and imaging data, allows for highly relevant reverse translational research. The biobanking is cooperation project between clinic of gastroentrology (Prof. V. Keitel-Anselmino), radiology (Prof. M. Pech), nephrology (Prof. P. Mertens) and clinic of surgery, approved by the ethical commission of the medical faculty of the Otto von Guericke University registered under ID 46/22 and 30/01. The following images give a brief introduction of the biobank structure and a schematic presentation of types of samples. The status of samples storage will be updated twice per year. Interested cooperation partners are encouraged to send an email to Ulf Kahlert. Biobank status update June 2024.